The Potter’s House Christian Fellowship is a Christian Pentecostal church organisation founded by Pastor Wayman Mitchell in Prescott, Arizona in 1970. The official organisation title is Christian Fellowship Ministries or CFM.
The Potter’s House is a Pentecostal bible-based fellowship of 2700 churches in 119 nations throughout the world with 61 ministering evangelists.
The name comes from an Old Testament verse of the Bible:
Jeremiah 18:2 ‘Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.’
Because of its biblical origin, the name “The Potter’s House” is often used by other independent church groups besides those affiliated with Christian Fellowship Ministries.
The Potter’s House has its roots in the Jesus People Movement, a Christian revival that occurred in America in the early 1970s, the Prescott church was established under Pastor Wayman Mitchell.
Evangelism | Discipleship | Church Planting
Our mission is to fulfil Jesus Great Commission of Mark 16:15
Mark 16:15; “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every person.”
To achieve this, the foundations of our Fellowship can be summed up as:
With this focus we want to spread the good news of God's love and saving grace throughout all events.
Whether we use Christian bands, movies, dramas, street preaching, or door-to-door evangelism,
our aim is to help lead people into their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Pastor Adrian Sciacca has given his life to preach the gospel in the hope to see lives changed and transformed through Christ.
He and his Wife (Tash) and their two boys devote their lives fully to help those in the community.
They have seen God do many miracles already.
Their aim is to build a community of contagious Christians that will have an impact in the local community.
Adrian, Tash, Ethan & Noah
"I was born and raised in the St George area. At the age of 3, my parents gave their life to Christ. From the ages of 3 through to 16, I attended church and was regularly involved in the functioning of the church, however I grew up always thinking that I was going to get to heaven because my parent's salvation.
At the age of 16, I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ which changed the course of my life. I realised then that salvation is a personal decision we make need to make and no one can get us to heaven but Jesus Christ. I have seen God do miracles in my life personally, my family and in many lives around the world - and God can do the same for you too!".
Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.